Japanese Ambassador to Tehran Visits Sport Museum

Japanese Ambassador to Tehran Visits Sport Museum
Kazutoshi Aikawa, the Japanese Ambassador to Tehran visited the National Sport, Olympic, Paralympic Museum.

Iran NOC; Tehran: The Japanese Ambassador; after the meeting with Dr. Salehi Amiri, the President of the National Olympic Committee paid visit to the National Museum of Olympic and Paralympic.

In this visit, Dr. Kaykavos Saeidi, NOC Secretary General, Dr. Nasrollah Sajjadi, Iranian Chef de Mission and Dr. Mohsen Mir, Director of the National Sport Museum accompanied Mr. Aikawa.

During the visit, the Ambassador expressed satisfaction that Iran is paying special attention to its Olympic honors and said that the section related to the World Champion, Gholamreza Takhti, as well as the cups and medals in the Sports Museum, are very attractive.

Jan 23, 2021 11:49

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