Museum Director Reports to IRNA

Museum Director Reports to IRNA
Dr. Seyed Mohsen Mir, Director of National Sport, Olympic, Paralympic reported about the activities to IRNA News Agency.

Iran NOC; Tehran: In an interview with IRNA, Seyed Mohsen Mir said: "Last year, 70 busts should have been unveiled, of which 61 were for Olympics and Paralympics and 9 were for sports veterans, but due to the pandemic and observance of health protocols, 33 Olympic busts and 10 Paralympic busts have been unveiled”.

Museum Director added: “This year, there are plans to build 70 busts, 30 for the gold medalists of the Asian Games from 1951 Delhi to 1974 in Tehran. Also, 15 busts are dedicated to the lasting figures of Iranian football, who are from the heart of the Asian Games in the team disciplines section." Mir continued: "The list of these people is provided by football experts, and the first busts will be unveiled at the same time as the opening of the Football Hall of Fame." The Director of the National Museum of Sports held: “11 busts are dedicated to the Paralympics and seven of them are dedicated to the medal winners of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and seven busts dedicated to the veterans of Iranian sports.

Nov 6, 2021 14:14

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