Belarusian Athletics NF President Visits National Sport Museum

Belarusian Athletics NF President Visits National Sport Museum
Ivan Ryhoravich Tsikhan, former Olympic medalist in Hammer Throw and President of Belarus Athletics Federation met with NOC Secretary-General and visited National Sport, Olympic, Paralympic Museum.

Iran NOC; Tehran: Prior to the meeting, Ivan Ryhoravich Tsikhan along with his Iranian counterpart, Hashem Siami, Ali Rezaei, Secretary of the Athletics Federation, and Ehsan Haddadi visited the National Sport, Olympic, Paralympic Museum. In this meeting, Dr. Saeidi, while welcoming the Belarusian guest, mentioned some points about the importance of the athletics and said: "Investing in athletics is very important and will not only lead to the development of this sport but will also be effective for the development of other disciplines."

Nov 30, 2021 09:32

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