on the occasion of decease anniversary of Iranian Sports World Champion:

Takhti’s Only Available Voice Donated to Olympic Museum

Takhti’s Only Available Voice Donated to Olympic Museum
On the occasion of decease anniversary of Iranian Sports World Champion on January 7th, media and sports veteran, Ali Akbar Mohammadi Bagha donated the only available voice of the late Takhti, Iranian Sports World Champion to the National Sport Olympic Paralympic Museum on behalf of Mr. Ataullah Behmanesh.

Iran NOC; Tehran: during a meeting with NOC President, Mahmoud Khosravi Vafa, Ali Akbar Mohammadi Bagha said about Takhti’s voice: “Mr. Bahmanesh gave me the tape of this voice about a year before his decease and asked me to donate it when the National Sports Museum was renovated so that it could be heard by the public”.

He further pointed out: “During this time, this voice, which was in my possession, has not been played in any of the radio and television programs or social networks, and today I am happy that I fulfilled the will of my teacher, and I hope that by creating the necessary conditions that Mr. Khosravi Vafa, the honorable President of the National Olympic Committee has promised; the fans of Takhti will be able to hear a few seconds of Takhti's voice, which was recorded by Mr. Bahmanesh in the Tokyo 1964 Olympic Games.

Jan 7, 2023 09:38

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