Javelin Throw
As in archery, Javelin Throw has also a
long-standing history. Javelin used to be made in two forms of long and short.
The short javelins were used for throwing and the long ones were used to drop
horse riders. With Iron and pewter handles becoming popular in second
millennium BC, metal handles were gradually substituted the wooden ones.
In Dameghan excavations two short pewter
javelins beautifully made were found.

Pewter Javelin-Tapeh Hesar in
Dameghan-1200-1500 BC

spearman from Mana tribe-700 BC
By the beginning of
Achaemenian era (550 BC), using long javelins received greater attention

Spearman of an Iranian tribe
Persepolis carving – 500BC

Achaemenian Soldier and spearman
The inscription of Darius in Naqsh Rostam
reads: “I am strong with either both hands or both legs; while horse-riding, I
am a good rider, while pulling my arrow either on foot or on horse, I am a good
archer, while throwing javelin, I do well either on foot or on horse”