History of Ancient Olympic Games
ancient Olympic Games is a heritage of human civilization during Greek golden
era BC and its organization time dates back to 776 BC. These games used to be
held regularly every four years for a period of 1200 years in a place called
Olympia. The aim of organizing this event was to pay tribute to Zeus (the God
of Greek Gods) which used to be held in a place called Olympia where Zeus
courtyard was located.
games were boycotted in 392 AD when Greek was under Roman domination by then
"Teodoros" which coincided with 293rd edition of
the games.
Sports events of Ancient Olympic Games
ancient Olympic Games was composed of five following sports:
1- Boxing
2- Four-horse charioting
3- Pantathlon including Run for 200
meter, Long Jump, Javelin Throw, Discus Throw and wrestling,
4- Running with fighting outfit including
shield and other fighting tools
5- Patkerantom (combination of boxing and

In Greek
myths, Zeus is the God of Gods and ruler of all shrines located in Olympia Mountain.
Zeus is the God of brilliant sky and God of storm.
was his weapon and whoever made him unhappy, he would throw it to him.
other noticeable signs of Zeus are imperial stick, eagle and shield.
This God
in Greek is Zeuc and in English is Zeus.

Olympia Plain
Olympic historian believe that then rulers organized the games in Olympia-400
kilometers far from Athens- so as to be safe from fury and anger of Zeus and
other Gods and please them
based on
Greek myths, Zeus and Chronos-God of Time)-two ancient Greek Gods-began
fighting with each other for ruling the Olympia which ultimately led to Zeus victory.
Based on this story, the organization of the Olympic Games was in memory of the
said victory.